The ability to read and write is everyone’s human right in this fast-paced world we have gotten to know. Literacy can also mean competence or knowledge in a specified area; that means for the rest of us who can read and write, we still have the commission to be literate in other fields, whether in finances, computer, culture, information and media, etc.
The 8th of September is observed as International Literacy Day. This day was declared by UNESCO back in 1966 and was first celebrated in 1967. This day’s aim is to highlight the importance of literacy to individuals, communities and societies.



Soofia International School’s mandate is to transcend to the highest peak of literacy; and that can be testified by everyone who has crossed paths with us. Learners, alumni and academic achievements history can attest to strides that have been taken to not only facilitate from reception level, but to secure wings for the graduates in high school and Advanced levels to fly across the globe. For Soofia, education goes beyond reading and writing, but asserting learners and communities with internationally recognized literacy for a well-rounded citizen.

Soofia International School commemorates this day while earnestly equipping its community with literacy in all spheres of life. Soofia has since left footprints of success since its inception, and the road ahead still stretches beyond the horizon. The journey continues!