Student Behavior and Discipline

Soofia International School is committed to fostering a positive and respectful learning environment where all students feel safe and supported. We believe in maintaining clear expectations for student behaviour and providing guidance and support to help students make good choices.

Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct outlines the expected standards of behaviour for all students, emphasizing respect, responsibility, and integrity. We encourage parents to review the Code of Conduct with their children and discuss its importance in creating a positive school community.

Disciplinary Procedures

If a student’s behaviour falls short of our expectations, we take a restorative approach to discipline, focusing on understanding the underlying causes of the behaviour and finding solutions that help the student learn and grow. Our disciplinary procedures are designed to be fair, consistent, and supportive, to help students develop the skills and self-awareness needed to make positive choices.

The School Disciplinary Committee (SDC)

The SDC, consisting of teachers and administrators, plays a key role in upholding the Code of Conduct and addressing disciplinary issues. The SDC works collaboratively with students, parents, and teachers to promote positive behaviour and constructively resolve conflicts.

Student Representative Council (SRC)

The SRC, comprised of elected student representatives, serves as a vital link between the student body and the school administration. The SRC advocates for student concern, promotes student leadership, and contributes to a positive school culture.

Grievance Resolution

We believe in open communication and encourage students and parents to share any concerns or grievances they may have. We have established clear procedures for resolving grievances in a timely and fair manner.