Language is a rope that ties up all races around the world. Without language there is nothing that can come to fruition because communication births any initiative that may be between more than one individual.
Soofia International School held languages fair themed “Building Bridges in Languages” for the primary level. English and French are the official languages in most parts of the world, so being knowledgeable in them is an advantage or a bridge to connecting to other people globally. Equally important, is to build the love for our own dialect for one’s language is their heritage.











It cannot be stressed enough that Soofia’s greatest mandate is to produce graduates that can thrive anywhere in the world; hence events like this are necessary to instill confidence in speaking the three languages. This event is designed to showcase the Sesotho, English and French languages through activities such as French and English bees, poems and dramas.

Goosebumps, applauses, confidence, talent, this affair brought out so much energy, and left most speechless….its a languages fair!