Soofia International School hosted the University of Free State to enlighten the Grade 11, AS Level and A-Levels about the career paths that awaits them in their institution. The presentation was delivered by Mr Thato Phakoe, Chief Marketer of UFS and Miss Mots’abi Mokhati who is a psychologist. This appointment was not just to tell about the University’s prospectus, but to also shape the learners minds about their future and hard work that is entailed in order to make it to academic success.
Sessions like this could cost one a significant amount of money, but Soofia brings opportunities as such because we value and honor our soon to graduate learners.


UFS offers Faculties of Economic and Management Sciences, Education, Health Sciences, The Humanities, Law, Natural and Agricultural Sciences and lastly, Theory and Religion. Among the Speakers were the Deputy Principal Academics Mr. Tosin Adeosun and the school Counsellor Mrs Mabandla who encouraged learners to aim high so the world can absorb them, and be inspired to be the best among the rest.