Thirteen learners collected all Junior Certificate (JC) merit awards in English Language, Science and Mathematics with two of them in Top 10 on 13 April 2018 at Butha-Buthe Community High School on an event held by Ministry of Education and Training at district level.

Soofia International School collected the overall prize of M 1000 for best performance in the district with its three teachers awarded M 500 each for outstanding performance in English Language, Science and Mathematics.

The learners who collected awards are: Reekelitsoe Sehlabo, Nigwe Maureen, Kananelo Rantso, Mahali Mabesa, Nthati Lehloenya Mofolo, Lireko Lebetla, Muso Hlongwane, Mamoloi Mabandla, Bokang Matjilo, Teboho Ntlatlapa, Robin Mathews and Tumisang Lebitsa and Katleho Lephema clinching best student in Sesotho.