We are thrilled to announce the results of Soofia Science Festival 6, held on 27th April 2024 with the theme “Food vs Fuel”. A total of 19 schools from across the country participated in the science competitions, showcasing their knowledge and talent in various categories.


In the Primary category, Soofia International School emerged as the top performer in both Presentations and Projects, followed closely by Likileng International School and Leribe English Medium School.

Congratulations to Mohale’s Hoek English Medium School for clinching the top spots in the Primary Quiz category, with Leribe English Medium School also making an impressive showing at second and third position.


Moving on to the Post Primary category, Soofia International School continued its winning streak by securing the top positions in Presentations and Projects. Ts’akholo High School and Leribe English Medium School also delivered strong performances in the competition.

Special mention to the winners of the SSF 6 Junior Quiz – St Stephens High School, Leribe English Medium School, and Methodist High School for their exceptional performance. In the Senior Quiz category, Leribe English Medium School showcased their knowledge and expertise to secure the top spots.


A big round of applause to all the participants, winners, and schools for making Soofia Science Festival 6 a huge success! Your dedication and passion for science are truly inspiring. Keep up the great work and continue to explore the wonders of the scientific world.