February 10th was a day to award our top achievers and those who stand out in going extra-mile in their academic commitments. This was a 3rd Edition of Soofia Academic awards that is aimed at recognizing our learners’ successes and achievements.

For a learner to succeed, it is work done by many hands moving in sync, for one goal; which is to produce top quality students. This event overall left a lesson; that growing up a success is half a guarantee of life in abundance, but matching it with countless efforts of tenacity and commitment, is surety of a life of splendor.
Two students Tjokosela Raleoatla and Mankoane Nthathakane walked home with the Soofia World Performance Award with a prize of an ipad 7 for achieving global performance at A-Level. Amongst other awards were educational sponsorships, HTC tablets, trophies and certificates.

Miracles follow those who believe, and help comes where hard work is exerted. The highlight of the ceremony was announcing 20 candidates for Educational Sponsorship Awards that cover tuition and examination fees for the AS and A Level by Specialized Insurance Company.

Giving his remarks as the management, Dr Damba thanked the students, teachers and parents who collectively worked to reach this proud moment.
“Today we are the shining stars of the nation, Naleli e Khanyang! My students, make your mark in the world of academia.” he encouraged.
Representing the awarded students, Karabo Monyane quoted, “For as many hands build a house, so many hearts build a school.”
As usual, it was a high standard affair that saw giants like Mrs Makutloano ‘Nei, Inspector from the Ministry of Education and Training Botha-Bothe, Mr Anwary on behalf of the school management, Mr Lazaro Mokhapheka from Specialized Insurance and Mr Tayob Jooma, CEO of TJ Group of Companies gracing our grounds to help honour our champions.