The Academic Committee comprises of 5 people in each section. They are

Primary Section

The Principal

The Deputy Principal (Primary)

Subject Coordinators

Post Primary Section

The Principal

The Deputy Principal (Post Primary)

Heads of Departments

The Principal in his capacity acts as the Chairperson of the committee, the Deputy Principal as the Secretary and the Subject Coordinators/the Head of Departments are members as the case may be.


Academic Departments


  1. The Primary Section

The activities of the departments are coordinated by the subjects Coordinators, namely,

  • Subject Coordinator 1, who deals with English Language and French working with the teachers involved in these subjects.
  • Subject Coordinator 2, who deals with Sesotho, Global Perspectives and Arts and Design, and works with the teachers involved in these subjects.
  • Subject Coordinator 3, who deals with Mathematics, Sciences, Digital Literacy and Physical Education, and works with the teachers involved in these subjects.


  1. The post primary section

In the post primary section, the staff is made up of three federated departments, namely,

1.Department of Humanities

This department offers the following subjects:

  • Accounting
  • Economics
  • Geography
  • Global Perspectives
  • Integrated Business Studies


2.Department of Languages

In this department, the school offers three languages that are equivocally recognized as equally important for the progress of the child, namely,

  • Sesotho
  • English
  • French
  • Literature in English


3. Department of Sciences

The Department of Sciences offers the following subjects:

  • Additional Mathematics
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Computer Science
  • Digital Literacy
  • Information Communication Technology
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Physics
  • Physical Science

The management of the departments

  • These departments are managed and operated by their heads of department (H.O.D) and subject coordinators (primary). They deal strictly with academic issues as highlighted below:
  • They ensure that the school is working with the correct syllabus as laid down by the Ministry of Education and Training and Cambridge International.
  • They allocate subjects to teachers in their respective departments.
  • They supervise and monitor subject teachers through such means as preparation book, lessons observation, checking schemes book, record of work done and pupils’ books.
  • They ensure correct distribution and use of teaching materials and equipment’s in their departments.
  • They organize the setting and marking of the school tests and examination in their respective departments.
  • They see to the daily and weekly assessment of progress of work and the analysis of students’ performance after test and examination and report their findings to the office of the principal.
  • They ensure that feedback from the assessment is used to improve the teaching learning processes.
  • They hold regular meetings of subject teachers to discuss relevant departmental matters.
  • They advice newly employed teachers on the teaching of the subject and information on useful reference materials.
  • They advice the principal on the purchase of suitable teaching equipment’s and materials and on the correct subject entries for external examinations.
  • They act as an intermediary between the teachers in their department and the school administrative.
  • They help in the selection of the teachers to be recruited in their departments. The appointment of these teachers is by the School Board.
  • The Principal through his Deputy Principals in each section oversees the activities of the Subject Coordinators/ The Head of Department in their respective department.