Soofia International School hosted the 2nd Soofia Independence Symposium on the 2nd October 2018 at Avani Lesotho. The theme was The Fourth Industrial Revolution(4IR) : The Need For A Change In a Changing World

Soofia notes that as educators, we need to ask ourselves if our present educational system/curriculum is preparing today’s students for the challenges and opportunities they will experience in near future. We actually need to ask ourselves if the education we are offering to our young ones is relevant to the new world ahead of them.









As such Soofia prepared the symposium which was graced with the presence of three guest speakers who presented on three different topics. Dr Batchelor from University of Johannesburg, presented on Innovative Education -Setting up the pace with the 4IR and the Future of Work. The second speaker Mx.Mathe Nts’ekhe from National University of Lesotho talked about The Role of Educators in the Fourth Industrial Revolution and lastly Mr Khabele Mofelehetsi a young entrepreneur presented on Solutions Outside Technology in the near future.






We are thankful for the support from the Ministry of Education and Training which was represented by Deputy Minister of Education and Training, Hon.Mahala,The Education Officers from Ministry of Education and Training,Butha-Buthe, Curriculum developers in the Ministry of Education and other stakeholders within the education sector

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